With the other half at a Boy Scout function with the teenagers, last night turned into a big PJ party in my bedroom. By the time I turned off the TV I had a 3 year old sleeping in his daddy's spot, and 8 year old spread across the bottom of the bed and a 2 year old clinging with one arm to my leg and the other to her sister's back. "Not so bad," I thought to myself because, somehow, we had made it to that point without the dogs in the bed or even in the room. That was about midnight or so....
Two hours later, hubby's fire pager went off...at about that same point, I could see red and blue flashing lights through the crack in my bedroom curtains. The call was for just across the street...and they were there for over an hour. A kitchen fire. No one hurt and some smoke damage...but the restful night's sleep I so needed was done. I spent a bit at the computer and then crawled back into what was left of the space on the queen size bed...good thing I like to sleep all curled up.
The final wake up call of the morning came at 6:31...the little dog, Charlotte, started scratching on my door and doing her best Chewbacca imitation. Interpretation: "If you don't take me out now, I'm going to make a mess all over the house." So, back out of bed, out the back door with both dogs and the realization that the day is beginning. At least it was beautiful out and the prediction was for high 60's. Grabbing a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, I quickly got dressed. Then found my socks and shoes since the doc says I can't go barefoot until his final decision about what to do with my achilles. UGH! I hate shoes in the house. *sigh*
As soon as the 8 year old gets up, she's getting dressed. This, folks, is a sure sign that she wants something that involves leaving the house. Yep, there it was, "Mom, can we go to IHOP?" I only hesitated a moment, "Sure, as soon as YOU get the babies dressed." You know, when she wants something she really is motivated.
Off to IHOP we go. Two crazy toddlers that wanted to jump around the whole time - but they did manage to finish all their breakfast. Time to go back to the grind.
Today we cleaned and did laundry. I wanted to cook....didn't happen. If you walked in my house, you'd have no idea that we spent about 7 hours today cleaning. Oh well, what's a house that isn't lived in? In between all that, I played referee for the 2 and 3 year old - he'd bully her, she'd bite him. She'd bully him, he'd scratch her. Yep, loads of fun - NOT
And, that's about it....just thankful for another day with the kids - even if there are times I understand why animals eat their young. LOL
PS...indeed, those two angels are the ones that drove me crazy all day long!!