Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's 8:03 AM...

...and I should still be sleeping. That was, after all, my plan when I went to bed last night. Sleep in. Enjoy the nice toasty warm comforter and microplush blanket over my flannel sheets. Yes, indeed, that was the plan!

Well, you know what they say about 'well-laid plans'. At 5:35 a little body came crawling up and over me, snuggled in beside me after stealing a pillow and quickly went to sleep - toddler snores and all. That was okay; I could fall back asleep in a few minutes.

You'd think so, but no. Then the alarm goes off for the other half to get up, check the radar and the local Scout district website to see if the Klondike Derby is still on for today. It was (is) and so, on comes the light, a yell for the teenagers to get up and finally, getting dressed. I sigh outloud but think "I can still go back to sleep."

No. Not yet? "What time does the grocery store open?" "Six." "Are you sure?" Now I just gave you a definitive answer, what do you think I meant? My mind is awake now.

And then, then I have to pay for having an hour with my friends yesterday. Next time? No nachos with chili and salsa. LOL!!

Still, I can roll back into the comfy confines of those luxurious blankets. Maybe.

"MOM! I need socks!!" I point out the basket of unmatched socks (they NEVER get matched up in this house). "MOM! Do you have a container I can put the egg in so it doesn't break?" I direct him on where he can get something to help him out. (Did I mention that I went shopping to two different stores last night for this 8 hour Scout program today?) Now, now I know I'm not going back to sleep.

I mosey on down to the kitchen and make sure each of the boys have ALL the items they need. Then I come back upstairs to find the gloves they need. All the while, the 3 youngest remain asleep (and they still are - it's now 8:11). Finally, mercifully, they leave at 7:15. Bed?

No, now I'm wide awake. I sit and play at the computer; I check facebook and my two racing websites. I check my bank accounts - still waiting for the monies to pay for the racing tickets that some friends and family are going to be sorely disappointed they won't have if they don't get me their money ASAP. Moving from site to site, I keep telling myself, "go lay down." It doesn't happen.

And then I remember a conversation from last night. Something about how little I blog or at least it was kind of like that. ;)

So, here I am, finishing a blog at 8:14 in the morning. To tell you the truth, I hope I'm not doing this next Saturday. I'd rather lie in my cozy, comfy, snuggly bed - even if there is a 3 year old snoring beside me!